IMPORTANT!!-- the white box in the lower left hand corner of the palette (at all times) is the 'version select' box. Click it to toggle between 2.7 and 3.0. Sup foo's... This is a really dope palette that I made cause I think we're all in need of a palette (NOT hell) that has well thought out scripts. OK, here's the 3 best features (in my opinion)... AFK BOT: It is dope as hell. For one, you do NOT have to be in a chat room to use it (but you can if you want)... and for 2, get this... If you're in a room and someone IMs you with their IMs off and they are NOT in the same room as you or in no room at all, it will send them mail telling them that their message was recorded! thats right, send them mail. Call me crazy or just bored, or um... lifeless (heh) but I think its a damn good feature (kinda pointless though, not really needed, but dope at that!) You also know how AOL put those nice (annoying) little "You have been online for 46 minutes" or 92 minutes or whatever? Well, this takes care of those to. If my script recognizes one of those windows, it will type return for you so you don't get logged off. Room Squeezer: 3.0 COMPATIBLE! My room squeezer does NOT use any other assistants to "bust" or "squeeze" into a room. I mean it will not use FDOs, keywords, tools, etc. It does it all through OC and the background of AOL. Its kinda hard to believe if you haven't already downloaded my room squeezer palette but believe it cause it rox! Oh, by the way... To use it just type COMMAND-E, or select it from the "Other..." menu in the chat options screen. Phisher: My phisher is just cause it flat out rox! I have updated it a lot, because god knows we need a damn good phisher. I'm providing you with a dope looking (organized) phisher that has features unlimited, even a newbie could figure it out. But its pretty damn complex too! Oh yeah, I have provided you with the font that I use for the number box... It is a digital type face. Ya need it trust me, unless you don't want the phisher to look (work) good at all! <> NOTICE: I have been testing and testing my file server and improving it EVERY time I test it. Either because I found a bug/error or because I thought of something new for the script. Either way it is developing into something dope, it works pretty damn well right now, I can't seem to find any bugs/errors in it as is. Another NOTICE: I added a preferences feature so you can decide whether or not the startup screen is displayed and whether or not you should announce your room squeeze when you 'squeeze' into a room. ((Hint: I've added another feature... There's a blank space (in the lower middle of the palette) when you're either in the mail options screen or the chat options screen. If you option-click in that blank space a "Cursor location" palette will appear, if you control-click in that blank space the "Cursor location" palette will delete... I added it because if you know OC, it comes in handy.)) <--I did NOT make the cursor location palette, I take no credit! =P UPDATE SUMMARIES: Room Squeezer: 3.0 Compatible Now the room squeezer will not fizuck up at all. Glitch free! Also, when you first try to squeeze into a room (w/ AOL v2.7, and also w/ AOL 3.0) you'll be asked a question. Don't worry, this is a one time thing.)) IMPORTANT- I noticed a problem w/ the script... example: Say you're in 'MacFilez2' and you want to squeeze into 'MacFilez', it will no longer paste that it got into 'MacFilez' while you're in MF2. Or it won't tell you "You're already in 'MacFilez'" if you're in 'MacFilez2'. If you've had this problem then you know what I'm talking about and you now know that I've corrected this bug, if not... just consider the script flawless. Mass Mailer: The MMer will remove invalid names with a more, um, sure-shot way. In other words, it doesn't rely on double clicking to find out the name needing to be removed. Also, it will remove ALL invalid screen names at once. -I have completely fixed the MMer, it will not mess up while removing the names and will do it quickly!- Phisher: A friend of mine (Geko aka. Triaz) informed me of a bug, when you select 'Add Room' from the screen names menu, it doesn't work. That's because of a personal fizuck up on my part I put something in the script that didn't need to be there. After it clicked the people button in the chat room it would only copy and count the names in the room if the window that just appeared was named "Who's in this room", now that's fixed and it collects them anyway. I had it like this because of the XPert Tool, and I no longer use that, so my recommendation would be to uninstall the tool... unless ofcourse you use it. ! = Hella good feature * = New ^ = Updated ~ = Need to make @ = 3.0 Compatible PHuN's Palette Features: (Version -b14) Mail...  (!*^~@) ! ^ @ - Count Mail (100 %) ^ - Mass Ignore (100 %) ^ - Mass Keep (100 %) ^ - Mass Delete (100 %) ! ^ - Search Box(es) (100 %) ! ^ @ - Send List (100 %) - MM List Maker (100 %) - Mass Mailer (100 %) ~ - File Server ( 0 %) - File Server (100 %) Chat...  (!*^~@) ^ - Phisher (100 %) ! - Afk Bot (100 %) - Request Bot (100 %) ! ^ @ - Room Squeezer (100 %) ! ^ - Mass IM (100 %) ^ @ - IM on/off (100 %) *^ @ - Advertiser (100 %) !*^ - Clear Chat (100 %) ^ @ - Attention Getter (100 %) ^ @ - Hugger (100 %) By the way, you've probably noticed that there's no "hell" features... That's because I will NOT make a hell, not public atleast. My definition of a 'hell' is something that scrolls and does other annoying, unwanted shiznit (the keywords here are annoying & unwanted). If you want that stuff make it yourself. Now, for my definition of a 'palette'. A palette is something that performs convenient tasks, its that simple. Some of you (most likely 'some of you' means the newbies and lamers) are probably saying, "Yeah right, you don't offer those features cause you can't script them... you moron!" Well guess what I say to that? Go fuck yourself! For all you newbies and lamers out there that are saying that, you can kiss my ass cause I know more about OC scripting than you (newbies and lamers) could probably learn from sitting in front of your computer TRYING to figure it out for months (notice month's' as in plural. Many, mucho, etc.). So, just shut the hell up! Hehe... (NOTE: The closest thing that you'll find to a 'hell' in my palette is the phisher.)